Shoot Calendar
Back in the day, trapshooting with our fathers, brothers and sisters was the most fun some of us ever had shooting shotguns. We usually shot trap in late summer to practice our wingshooting skills in preparation for the upcoming small game hunting seasons. It was just for fun; we rarely kept score.
We used a manual, spring-loaded trap machine that launched clay pigeons, one or two at a time. Our guns were all-purpose field shotguns, the same we used to hunt upland game including doves and quails or rabbits. A quick set-up in a farm field with several boxes of low-brass shotgun shells and a box of “clay pigeons” meant hours of good, cheap fun. Granted, it’s still tons of fun, but there’s cash, trophies, sponsorships and scholarships up for grabs, too.
North Western Zone | North Eastern Zone | South Western Zone | South Eastern Zone |
Allen Auglaize Crawford Defiance Delaware Erie Fulton Hancock Hardin Henry Huron Logan Lucas Marion Mercer Ottawa Paulding Putnam Sandusky Seneca Shelby Union Van Wert Willaims Wood Wyandot |
Ashland Ashtabula Carroll Cuyahoga Geauga Holmes Harrison Jefferson Knox Lake Lorain Mahoning Medina Morrow Portage Richland Summit Stark Tuscarawas Trumbull Wayne |
Adams Brown Butler Champaign Clark Clermont Clinton Darke Fayette Greene Hamilton Highland Preble Madison Miami Montegomery Warren |
Athens Belmont Coshocton Fairfield Franklin Gallia Guernsey Hocking Jackson Lawrence Licking Meigs Monroe Morgan Muskingum Noble Perry Pickaway Pike Ross Scioto Vinton Washington |

Marietta SE Zone Shoot
May 17
Event Navigation
OSTA Registered Shoot Agreement
OSTA Financial Shoot Report
ATA Registered Shoot Application (Green Form)
Apply for an ATA Registered Shoot
1. Dues must be current for target year ($25 due Sept. 1, payable to OSTA)
2. Print and complete ATA Shoot Application
3. Scan and email the application to Noreen Snively, or mail the application to OSTA: Ohio State Trapshooting Association | Attention: Noreen Snively | P.O Box 956 | Ravenna, Ohio 44266
ATA Registered League Application (Blue Form)
Apply for an ATA Registered League Application
1. Print and complete the ATA Registered League Application
2. Endorse a $25 check payable to ATA
3. The application must be approved by OSTA Secretary Noreen Snively.
4. Mail the check and application to: Ohio State Trapshooting Association | Attention: Noreen Snively | P.O Box 956 | Ravenna, Ohio 44266.