Ohio was made for trapshooting. History suggests that Cincinnati hosted the first recorded trapshooting contest at the Sportsmen’s Club in 1831. But our citizens’ contribution to the sport didn’t end there. In 1880, native son George Ligowsky is credited with inventing the first clay target, an instant success made famous by iconic trick shooters like “Doc” Carver, Ira Payne and Captain Adam Bogardus, the self-proclaimed “Trapshooting Champion of the World.”
Fast forward to 1924, when the Amateur Trapshooting Association (earlier known as the American Trapshooting Association) built its headquarters in Vandalia.
Our state’s contributions to the sport are too numerous to mention, so be sure to visit the Ohio State Trapshooting Museum to witness interesting artifacts and memorabilia that chronicle the sports history from the Ohio State TrapShooting Association’s charter in 1887 through present day.
Cardinal Shooting Center
616 Street, Route 61
Marengo, Ohio 4334
Open during the Buckeye Classic, the Ohio State Tournament, SCTP Nationals and the Cardinal Classic.
We’re always on the hunt for old, interesting trapshooting items. If you have something to loan or donate, email Secretary Noreen Snively.

Dennis Filo visits with Denny and Carol Day.

Bobby and Lisa Caplinger

2007 Inductee, Carl Chadwell.

2022 reception.

2012 Inductee, Mary Thompson, picks up a cold one compliments of Middletown Gun Club.

Scholarship recipients (Nikki Cogan, Chloe Clark, Micah Hung, Alec Smith, Cody Barhorst and Kathryn Taylor) pose for a photo with the plague on which their names are listed.