Youth Trapshooting: Students Aim High
We understand that the future of trapshooting rests with the youth of our state. As older enthusiasts fade from the sport, young folks will carry forward the traditions we hold dear. That’s why the Ohio State Trapshooting Association and its member clubs promote several youth programs.
AIM is the official youth program of the Amateur Trapshooting Association. Named for the values it promotes — academics, integrity and marksmanship the program allows young people from elementary school through college the opportunity to compete either as teams or as individuals. Participants are taught safe shooting habits, gun handling and trapshooting etiquette. Through competition, our youth learn life lessons including teamwork, sportsmanship and giving back to society. They also learn why academics, integrity and marksmanship are important.
Learn More About The Amateur Trapshooting Association
Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation
Through team-based shooting tournaments, student athletes learn skills and life lessons that emphasize positive character and citizenship. Safety, teamwork and leadership are the core of training and competition. The foundation’s Scholastic Clay Target Program promotes trap, skeet and sporting clays and several Olympic disciplines. As the official feeder program of the USA Shooting program, SSSF is a path to the U.S. Olympic Shooting Team.
For information about the Ohio Scholastic Clay Target Program, email OSTA Youth Chairman Rob Kinsella
More Information About the National Scholastic Clay Target Program
Start a Youth Trapshooting Team
MidWayUSA Foundation
The MidwayUSA Foundation raises money for high school, college and university shooting teams throughout the United States. That’s more than 20,000 schools. Shooting is an outlet for students to make friends, develop confidence, and learn discipline and leadership skills. Unfortunately, most schools contribute little to no funding. That’s where Midway USA fills the gap, thanks to generous donors around the country. Contributions are tax deductible and used to fund existing programs and start new ones.
Ways to Give
MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment Guide
MidwayUSA Ohio SCTP/AIM Coach Meeting